Enhance client relationships with
custom talent pools

Enhance Client Relationships with Private Talent Pools

NextCrew on-demand staffing software lets you give your clients access to a private talent pool without relinquishing control or compromising the relationship. With direct access to a limited pool of talent, clients can narrow their search based on criteria like training, qualifications, and location to select quality candidates every time.

How it works

Staffing administrator through NextCrew staffing software creates a pool of preferred employees for a client

The crew applies for a job

Staffing agency invoices the client for services and pays the crew

The client creates a new job opening and publishes it on the software

The client reviews the talent pool and confirms the best suitable candidate(s)


How it works

Staffing administrator through NextCrew staffing software creates a pool of preferred employees for a client

The client creates a new job opening and publishes it on the software

The crew applies for a job

The client reviews the talent pool and confirms the best suitable candidate(s)

Staffing agency invoices the client for services and pays the crew


Management Solutions

Workforce Management Solutions

With NextCrew workforce management software, provide your staff with the utmost flexibility and comfort by creating tailored selections and letting them decide the right people to work with.

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Top Staffing Agency Software
Top Staffing Agency Software

"Digital Transformation"

NextCrew helped transform ACM and give us the platform to grow the business on.

   Chris DeSantis


   Atlantic Coast Merchandising

Leverage NextCrew to build a private talent pool and scale your agency
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See also
Private Talent Pool
Innovate staffing with a private talent pool